Carefully chosen performance indicators give an idea of a company’s business priorities, their rational evaluation points to well-functioning business areas that require intervention. Key indicators are often used as an incentive tool, so the employee is also interested in achieving the set goal, with which they can simultaneously promote the company’s better position. During the determination of the measurement points, many questions may arise, which should be answered while taking into account the focal points of business management.
FusionR Sales App data collection enables the creation of performance indicators (KPIs) for many applications, since the data is „available” centrally, consolidated, and related to a given employee, and its accurate evaluation can be a competitive advantage in the market. During their daily work, the employees produce the data set that can be evaluated, so a wide range of indicators can be used, and the precise determination is done according to the business need. In addition to the most common traffic KPIs, the indicators can also be customized for the fulfillment of the field representatives’ route plans, for the offer of promotions, or for the search for potential new products. The FusionR Sales App allows you to use periods, so you can set monthly, quarterly, or even annual goals. For employees working on field, the accomplishments achieved are displayed up-to-date, which gives an accurate information of their current progress along the goals. In addition to the entire period, the application also provides a map of time-proportional and daily performance, so users can get a real picture of the state of performance indicators in the first half of the period or on a given working day.
With the help of FusionR Sales App, even complex rule systems can be mapped during the creation of KPIs, customized according to customer needs. The results can be easily reported from the central system, make it easy to access the overview of the achievements even for the office, „back-office” employees, which can range from simple Excel statements to more modern and complex, self-service PowerBI dashboards. The FusionR Sales App provides automatic e-mail notifications to the stakeholders at the end of the period – or even during – about the evolution of the key indicators of the period.
The FusionR Sales App solution can be used as an integral part of the FusionR Sales product family, or independently – as a stand-alone solution or integrated into the systems of other suppliers. With the help of the integrated App, Calls, Portal and Net components of FusionR Sales, the „traditional” field representatives, telephone and online channels of the company’s commercial activity can be supported with an integrated IT solution.